Sunday, May 1, 2011

Freddy's Horrible Day

     I had a very bad day. A very bad day indeed. My owners, who swear they love me more than anything, threw me to the wolves. They abandoned me, left me out in the cold, turned their backs on me in my darkest hour. They tricked me terribly and I think that you, the readers, will take my part in all this. I think you will rush to Southern Ontario, find me, and take me home with you so I no longer have to endure this wickedness.
     First of all - the trick. They pretended we were going to have a nice day. They enticed me into the car, all smiles and happiness. We drove, the windows were down so I could stick my head out and let my ears flap in the wind. It was wonderful.
     Suddenly, and without warning, I might add, they stopped the car. Well, I knew immediately there was trouble. I had been here before and I didn't like it at all. I watched in horror as the car door opened and Kaede, that rotten little turn-coat, jumped out all smiles trotting around like we were at the beach or something.
     I knew better. I hid in the car but I guess they must have seen me because next thing I know they are calling me, "Freddy. Come on Freddy." In that sweet friendly voice of theirs.
     What's a boy to do. I slunk out of the car and let the lady hold on to my leash while she walked me to the gallows. Kaede just leaped along beside us, happy in her stupid way.
     Of course I knew it.  Slam. I was confined. I was in a KENNEL. They were leaving me. I saw the tops of their heads as they turned around and left me in that awful place. I went into the corner and that's where I stayed for the remainder of the seven whole hours I was there.
     It was awful and I think you would agree with me - it's no way to treat a wonderful boy like me.

     For a few hours we were allowed to play with some very fun German Shephard Dogs. We had a very large yard to play in and when we were tired we got to go and lay down in our own private room. Freddy chose to sit in the kennel and not play with us because he is a big fat baby who misses his Mommy and Daddy. The very nice lady who looked after us kept stroking him and making sure he was alright. Hmmm. Perhaps he's not so stupid after all.

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