Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kaede has a Better Day

      What a great day I had. It started off with me being a little upset because Freddy trotted off on the end of the leash with our man. I don't like when Freddy goes places without me because I always worry that he will get in trouble if I'm not there to look out for him.
      Anyway, off he goes, as pleased with himself as can be. I ran to the window and watched them drive off.

      The next thing I know my woman human is getting on the 'dog clothes'. Yippee, we're going somewhere too. She clips on the no-nonsense leash. That's the one that is very short so that I can trot along beside her. Off we go. 

      First we walk toward the park and on the way we greet our neighbour, Molly, who is a black beauty with some blond highlights. She is on leash too so we kind of play bow while the humans talk. Boy, they sure can talk. There is some yummy tall stalks of grass, you know the good kind that is sweet and juicy. Turns out Molly likes to chew on them too so we did that.

      Finally the human women stop talking and off we go again. We go through the streets of our town, the usual route, then suddenly we go a different way. We go along roads that I don't know and we walk at a pretty fair clip. That pleases me because I may not have mentioned this before but I am pretty energetic. I may be six and a half but I have plenty of get up and go.

     We walk for a long time when I start to notice things that are familiar. Well, what do you know? We have walked all the way to dog park, one of my very favourite places in the world. I can't believe it. There are only a couple of dogs there but I play a bit with them and wander around taking in all the wonderful new smells.

      My human sits on the bench and talks to another human woman. A black lab lunges at me but I just turn the other cheek. Guess that lab doesn't know that I'm allowed on the bench even if his human is there too. Oh, well. Sometimes these dogs think they own the place. I trot off by myself. It's the first time I have been to dog park without Freddy but it's okay. He's a bit of a stick in the mud anyway. All he wants to do is lay on the benches and sunbathe.

      (Me resting after a long fun day)

      My human clips my leash on again and we walk back home. It's been wonderful. Just her and me, very long walks and playing at the park. But, it doesn't end there. When we get back home she makes some human food and we sit outside in the sunshine while she eats and I watch the world go by. Then she slips me a treat. It's crunchy and orange and I kind of like it, I think humans call it a carrot.

      I don't think about Freddy all day because I've had so much fun with my woman human. Don't you just love her? I sure do!!!

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