Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Gidget Has Moved In!!! by Freddy and Kaede

Gidget just appeared out of nowhere. Goodness knows what they were thinking but our humans brought her home. That's right. They brought her right into my house. They let her walk on my grass. They even gave her food from my magic cupboard. 

If you don't know who she is, well Gidget is a nuisance. She's six months old, wiggles around all over the place and she just plain got in the way. Look at this picture. That's Gidget standing near me. Don't you think she looks annoying?

I'm the big handsome Ridgeback on the left. Gidget is the dopey looking one.
She slept in a crate and cried the first couple of nights she was here. Sometimes she peed on the floor. Can you believe it? Our people just quietly wiped it up and took her outside. That's when I would come inside. She kept trying to kiss me. Here is another picture of her trying to look cute. Well, I have to admit it. She was cute and after a couple of days I quite got used to her being around.

Gidget looking cute.
 When we were in the house Gidget had to stay in the kitchen and family room because she couldn't be trusted. I already told you she peed on the floor? Well, I'm telling you again. She peed on the floor!!
Here I am ignoring her in MY backyard.

 If you notice, you will see that there are no pictures of Gidget taken with Kaede. Oh boy, oh boy. Gidget wasn't even allowed to sniff Kaede. Oh no. Kaede gave her that evil stare of hers with that weird blue eye, growled in her direction and Gidget would run as fast as she could in the opposite direction. I'm a bit more subtle. I just would wander into another room where Gidget wasn't allowed and sleep. Gidget was active so we went to dog park a lot. When we were there Kaede played with Gidget a lot and I did too but as soon as we got home she was sent back to the kitchen and got the silent treatment from us. A couple of times, though, I let her come up and lay next to me in the sun. She wasn't that bad really. Once I got to know her.

One day at the dog park a dog named Tater was there with his people. They are people who love Rhodesian Ridgebacks and had always wanted one. That's when our lady human told them about Gidget. Seems Gidget was only visiting. Did I hear right? Visiting? Hmmm, I was liking the sound of that. She's a rescue? She's a rescue and adoption applications are being accepted for her. Wow. My lady human was telling them how good Gidget was. Ha! She peed on the floor remember. But I wasn't going to draw it to anyone's attention if it meant she was going to live with them. They were talking about 'procedures'. They were stroking Gidget and she was being all cute and cuddly the way puppies are. 

A few days later our lady human and Gidget went for a walk and Gidget didn't come back. My lady human said that Gidget was last seen happily laying on Tater's bed and chewing on one of his bones. Tater sounds like a pushover to me!! Then both of our humans took down her crate, packed up her silly squeaky toys and her bed and drove away with all that in the car. Then they came home and washed the kitchen floor and got rid of ALL EVIDENCE that Gidget was ever here. Today we got this picture in the computer.
That's her. That's Gidget with her new friend, Tater. She doesn't look so bad after all.
 They said she's happy and Tater likes her. Well, Tater is still a youngster himself. Of course he likes her. And they will get to go on long walks and go to dog park and to the beach. Wow, good for Gidget. I think I liked her after all.

Gidget Has Moved In!!

Kaede here. Gidget came and ruined my life. Then she left. The end!!

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