Monday, January 27, 2014


Oh my goodness, it has been a long time since I wrote anything. I am going to try and catch up with what is happening in my world, the world of Freddy, the handsome and exceptional Ridgeless Rhodesian Ridgeback.

I've had a couple of birthdays since we last met. My people say I am now a mature dog. I don't feel it. I still look handsome even though I am going grey around my lips. My people call it it muzzle but I know it's my lips. What do you think? I look handsome and young still, right? I think so.

I'm going to talk to you about the weather. You will remember that I came from California where it's nice and warm and sunny most of the time. Look at this picture. Does this look to you like California? No I didn't think so. Not only do my people think it's okay to LIVE in this they also think I WANT to go OUT in this. So, they take me out on these walks and set me loose thinking I'll run around and play. Kaede does, but I'm not Kaede. I'm not covered with lots and lots of brown fur. This boy is a Rhodesian Ridgeback and that's special. It also means I only have one coat. Yes, one coat. What's so hard they can't remember that? Huh. ONE COAT. Not warm.

Now this picture. This is better. Inside, snuggled up on a nice cozy rug, Kaede keeping me warm. That's what a boy wants this time of year. Warmth, warmth, and more warmth. Don't you agree.

Until next time........stay warm.....OR move to California.

From     Freddy

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